The Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Mission
The TEES mission is to produce and transfer the highest quality, relevant engineering and technology-oriented research by leveraging capabilities worldwide in order to:
- Improve economic development and quality of life worldwide by partnering with industry, communities and academic institutes
- Enhance educational systems
- Support interdisciplinary fundamental and applied research
- Transfer technology from research and development activities to useful applications, and
- Commercialize promising technologies.
TEES Annual Research Conference Mission
The TEES Annual Research Conference gives stakeholders a unique platform to advance their research portfolios. Each year, representatives from TEES regional divisions come together to expand the research capacity in the state of Texas by tapping into the talent of the TEES network. This innovative and collaborative conference develops research projects in the hopes of increasing the funding coming to the state. Participants have the opportunity to network with funding agencies and work with colleagues to create action plans to pursue extramural funding within the TEES thematic workgroups:
- Energy and Power
- Health Care
- Infrastructure
- Materials and Manufacturing
- National Security